
Showing posts from 2013

hilarious moment playing Black Ops 2

so I've been playing a lot of call of duty: black ops 2 lately.... and even though I'm probably one of the most terrible players out there.. I don't care. I just have fun playing. One of the great things about being a horrible player, however, is that sometimes.. just sometimes you get a fucking hilarious moment like this one. I laughed so hard I cried.... I hope you do too. (and if you did, please share)

being an adult sucks

so I'm getting shit done today... you know.. adult type stuff. I got my registration date for my fall semester, so I diligently checked whether there are any issues with my registration and of course one of my classes says I don't have the pre-reqs because of the way they put my credits in the system. As well, the lab course only has 5 spots available and so of course it's already full. The adult thing I've done: email the department well before I have to register so that the issues can be resolved. I started my student loan application, but this year the bf and I are technically considered to be common-law married ... so I have to get a new form that he has to fill out and submit before I submit my application. They want to make sure that he isn't making enough money to support both our living AND paying for me to go to school. The adult thing I've done: print out the form and get it filled out and mailed by the end of the week so I can submit my applic...

the long wait....

everyone is posting about their registration dates for fall semester.... they are all happy and excited. I haven't gotten my date yet. I haven't even been contacted regarding my promotion to 3rd year. Apparently they are still deciding. Even though I had a 75% average this past term.. and a 77% average the term before that. It makes me want to scream! I had ONE bad term where I failed a course and I feel like it's haunting me and following me around. Just like my mothers passing... I feel like demons are just constantly trailing behind me. and I just went through my credits and it seems like I'm missing like 5 300+ level credits... wtf dude. It's effing impossible to get 300+ level electives because most have pre-reqs that are 100 or 200 level. So I might be in school for one more term. fml

apparently I should seek medical attention immediately

according to webMD.... I might be dying. I'm on two weeks straight with basically the same headache. I'm starting to wonder what it feels like to be normal. Although I was never really normal. Who wants to be normal anyway? Normal is boring. this is my last week of a full week of classes... then it's just Mondays until I find out if I'm working for the rest of the summer. If not, then I must go out and find a big girl job... but if I DO work the rest of the summer. Well then, *happy dance* if only all our happy dances were like this speaking of happy dances... I'm jamming to THIS awesome summer song.. can't get enough. it's awesomesauce. On a different note, I miss school... how fucking sad is that? I'm actually looking forward to being back in school in the fall. I think it's just cuz it keeps me busy. I like using my brain... keeps me going. Right now I have FAR too much time on my hands. I'm trying to finish the 5th book in the Game o...

I get by with a little help from my friends..

I had a dream last night with a bunch of friends in it. While it might not seem weird, the weird part is, most of these friends I haven't talked to in a long time. Like years. Except one, a friend I haven't talked to in only a few weeks. I'll set the scene: I was in a mall (always in the middle of a dream, just like Inception said)... and I see a group of women. It looks like a support group of some kind. They are talking about gender stereotypes or something... how hard it is to be a lesbian in today's world. (fucked if I know why they are in the middle of a mall) I see a girl who I used to know as Rainbow Skittle (or something to that affect) and another who was from Belize.. both of which I haven't talked to in years. Then I see my friend who I talked to recently (let's call her D)... and so I wave at her... then she breaks down crying and walks off with the other two girls. (It was really fucking bizarre, I don't even think those girls knew each other...

pounding, pounding....

my head has been pounding for days now .... not a migraine, but a headache. Not to diminish it, cuz this headache is still really painful and annoying. I just want to lay in bed and do nothing. Instead I have to go to work. I do like my job... but I really dislike doing it when I have a headache. this love/hate relationship leads me back to humpday.... so I'm going to share some more songs I love to hate. reason I love this song - it's an awesome song reason I hate this song - every time I hear it, I can't help but picture Liv Tyler and Alicia Silverstone in the video. reason I love this song - it's got a great beat and I love the bass line reason I hate this song - the one lyric in the song, "maybe I should just kill myself" reason I love this song - who doesn't love this song? reason I hate this song - every time you hear this song played in a bar people sing the Britney Spears version. reason I love this song - because it's Bif Naked...

just a little attack

this weekend we got a new fridge.... well, not new.. but new to us. It's really a good thing because it's bigger than our old fridge and we can actually fit more than a single loaf of bread in the freezer. Sunday night we were moving it in, while moving the old fridge into a closet and trying to clean up the mess left behind. This means there was stuff everywhere and a big mess..... which lead to... a panic attack. At one point I sat in the bedroom in the corner just crying... I don't even know why it was such a big deal... I think it was just because I wasn't prepared for it... I wasn't part of the decision-making process.. it was just sprung on me. I don't do well with "surprises" ... in fact, I HATE surprises. I don't even know WHY I hate surprises.. I just hate them. this is the ONLY surprise I like I hate the unknown... I hate not being prepared.. I hate not being able to be mentally prepared for things. Unless it's my idea.... w...

the light at the end of the tunnel...

Image finally not bothering me anymore, now that my head isn't hurting nearly as bad as it did last night. As I was laying in bed last night, pulling the cold pillow down over my head because I felt like I was on fire and battling the urge to throw up... I didn't think it was ever going to end. I would have given the world for just a minute of reprise from the pain. I really fucking hate migraines. I don't know who of you out there get migraines.... but I get them on a semi-regular basis. They are the worst kind of pain I've ever had.. and I've had 2 major surgeries and 2 minor ones before the age of 20. you try to distract yourself from the pain.... and maybe fore 30s you do... but then it will ALWAYS come back in full force blinding pain. You just want to curl up in a ball and cry, but crying only makes it worse. Last night I also had a bad bout of nausea to go along with my pounding head. Thankfully I didn't throw up because I'm not one of those pe...

having a really bad day

a really bad day. since it's humpday again, I'm going to post more love/hate songs... cuz I really don't know what else to say that doesn't involve an insane amount of profanity. I either want to just sit in a corner and cry or scream profanities until I have no more voice. reason I love this song - cuz I know all the lyrics and it makes me feel gangsta when I sing it reason I hate this song - cuz I know all the lyrics and it makes me feel gangsta when I sing it reason I love this song - it's classic and it's awesome (and I know all the lyrics) reason I hate this song - I always want to "jump around" ..and when I'm in the car that means I hit my head on the roof of the car... every.damn.time. reason I love this song - it's Sublime and it's awesome (and it's a little dirty) reason I hate this song - I don't know all the Spanish parts even though I've been listening to this song for more than 10 years... and so I end u...

still dealing .... or perhaps, not dealing.

I was watching Sex and the City last night .. and it was the episode where Miranda's mother dies. I had to change the channel. I just couldn't watch it without tears coming to my eyes. Three years later, I can't watch any show where the parent dies without losing it. It makes me wonder if I have truly dealt with my mums death... I still get very upset when I think about it. I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me. I really wanted to see someone about it, but I never did. not to mention my anxiety seems to be getting worse.. I've been debating on taking meds more often for it because just doing regular things makes me super anxious... like going outside. interacting with people. you know... stuff like that. BAH! I don't know what to do.

more than just a day to BBQ

today is Memorial Day.... and even though I wasn't born an American, my mum was. She brought us up on all the holidays and traditions of the US so I feel like it's my home too. So even though I don't get a day off for it... I still recognize Memorial Day. It's a day to remember our soldiers and what they do for our country. I may not agree with the war, the reasons why we're there or how much $$ is spent on "keeping us safe" ... but that doesn't change the fact that every day soldiers get up and go to work like the rest of us... but instead of dealing with rush hour traffic and other such bullshit.. they are dealing with stuff that could possibly risk the safety of their lives. All the while their wives sit at home staying strong for their kids and family. Whether you agree with the what they do or not.. they still deserve your respect. That is a fact. so today on this Memorial Day... please take a moment to remember why you get an extra day off work...

London Bridge Is Falling Down......

well, ok, it's not .... it's the Skagit River Bridge , and only part of it collapsed. Apparently by the fault of a Canadian trucker. Oops. You can't trust those inland people, I've been saying this for years.. ;) I had the WEIRDEST dream about the bridge ... they were using some old bridge that they hadn't used in years until they could fix it. Why in gods name would I dream about a bridge? There was a lot of other weird dreams last night. One combined minecraft, some old friends of mine and some annoying kids; this one is the most bizarre because we were IN a minecraft world where everything was blocks except us. There was a part where I had to take a bus through Seattle but I got lost at night and was running away from thugs. Of these series of dreams last night ... one was more bizarre than the last. I'm still sitting here kind of dazed. It's Friday today ... and I have no work and nothing else planned. I quite possibly might not get out of my pj's ...

I want you ... all tattoo'ed .. I want you bad.

(the title is derived from lyrics in this song by one of my favorite artists of all time) so this morning I got up and read a post by @doitalone titled “A woman with ink is an easy lay compared to her clean-skinned counterpart.” and I was instantly enraged. Though I knew she had tats herself, so I figured she must be referencing the opinion of someone else.. and she was... this douchenozzle . While I understand his right to his opinion.. and I completely understand that some men simply do not find tats attractive... he's wrong on so many levels. NOT all men find tats gross or assume that women who have them are easier in bed. I think a part of the argument that he is missing is that more than half of the population of the industrialized world has tattoo's ... and a lot of developing nations as well (just in a different way). People with tats or piercings are the norm now... NOT the other way around. Girls who don't have tattoo's ... might be less "easy"...

happy humpday tunes!

happy Wednesday everyone.... gotta love long weekends and it's Wednesday already... except that Wednesday is my "hard" day... so I always stress out a bit leading up to my class. Thankfully last night I was able to go to a coffee house and just read for like 4 straight hours undisturbed. If that sounds like heaven to you... it was. Ahhhh.... *remembering* Moving on... I used to love the term "humpday" ... but as I get older, it kind of just drives me nuts. Yet I still love it... it's one of those strange things in life. I don't know about the rest of you, but one of the ways I de-stress is with music.. keeping with the "theme" of this blog so far.. I'm going to share songs that I love, but hate. These are songs that I try not to listen to when I'm driving with the windows down, because I'm slightly embarrassed that I listen to them. The reasons I love them range from a particular line in the song, a beat that is strangely addicting....

one is the loneliest number..........

one job ... that's all I have thus far. While on the surface, working four days a week for an hour seems like something out of fairy tales... (and it is).. it also means I have no money whatsoever... being broke really fucking sucks, in case you weren't aware. my one job is going really great... so at least there is that. Also we got the house cleaned this past weekend .... actually took the ferret cage apart and power washed it... AND I power washed the back walkway and deck... I felt so grown up! Strangely... it was oddly relaxing. Anyone else experience this sense of calm and zen while power washing? (it might just be me) Sadly that's the only bit of calm and zen I've been feeling.... I'm in a bit of a depression rut right now... feeling like I keep getting knocked down no matter what I do.. and that every decision I made is wrong. I'm afraid to make any decision anymore because I'm worried I'm going to make the wrong one. That's really ho...

teeny tiny update

why is it that every time I write the phrase, "teeny tiny" I think of this song? BEWARE - this song is NSFW!!! Anyhow, now that's over. Update on me! I'm done with classes now and I have 1 more final (on the 24th) and I'm DONE for the semester. I'm always a little conflicted at the end of a term. As much as being in school is hard and frustrating and time consuming, I love it too. I love the atmosphere of learning and thinking. I love being presented with new ideas and concepts. Basically I just love using my brain. (yes, confirming again I really am a nerd) Regardless, it's almost over and since they don't offer any chemistry classes in the summer, I'm stuck with the task of finding something to do with my summer. Likely something that makes me $$ so I can afford to eat. (always a plus) thankfully, I have already lined up one summer job with a company called Mad Science where I am an instructor doing after school programs for elementary ...

rotary optical rotation.... what?

this week’s labs... fucking LOVE Mr. Bean oh goodness.. what can I say. It was a bad week, and continues to be a bad week cuz I have a midterm tomorrow that I don't feel at ALL prepared for!  Tuesdays lab ... organic... last week’s lab consisted of just stirring for over an hour .. and then a liquid-liquid separation... everything seemed to go just fine. THIS week.... not so much. The first part we had to gravity filter the drying agent and then rotary-evaporate the solvent out ...which is basically is just putting your flask onto a machine that spins it in a water bath and the solvent boils off.... wanna buy one? but of course.. the one I used wasn’t on and so the bath had to warm up.. taking (what felt like) forever. Then when it finally started to boil, of course I walked away and by the time I returned it was a goey boiling mess! *slaps forehead* BUT.. it’s ok, can be salvaged... let it cool and prepare the reagents for crystallization... ethanol and petro...

it's NOT Friday yet

for once, I’m grateful it’s NOT Friday.. and that’s because I’m on reading break. Friday means it’s almost over... and I’m not ready for it to be over. I was laying in bed this morning, enjoying the serenity of quiet and wonderfulness... realizing that next week I’d be back to getting up at 5am and spending 5 hours a day on transit... dealing with labs, lab reports, homework and exams. I love it, and I hate it. I think that’s the general mantra of all students. Yesterday I went on a tour of an analytical lab that I could potentially work at.. it’s energizing, people... the work I could be doing... I’m SO excited.. like for reals excited. Like a job where I could actually ENJOY going to work every day. I’m sure this is what people are supposed to feel like when they go to college. This is what the world is supposed to be like. and yet.... I still can’t help but wonder if I’m going to be able to “have it all” .. I won’t graduate for 2 more years.... by then I’ll be 34 (go...

adventures in lab

so I guess you're wondering what I've been up to lately? NO? well.. I’m going to tell you anyway. this is ALL I was doing.. I swear. ok no... I’ve actually been BUSY! My 2nd term started at school... and I’m taking 3 chemistry courses.. all chem electives.. as well as a laboratory course. The lab is probably the most work because there are 2 labs every week (for four hours each) and the lab reports are due one week later. So my weekends have been spent doing my labs.. and that’s basically it. I did take SOME time off to hang with friends and watch the Superbowl... (I must admit even though I hate Beyonce, she rocked the show).. and do SOME fun stuff with friends. I think life needs a balance.. so I’m trying really hard to not feel guilty about not doing hw to be social... it’s a work in progress. So anyhow... I’ve been busy busy... but it feels SO good to be back in classes again. I really did miss it last term when I was off. I didn’t miss studying though... lol. Wh...

I did some organizing!

jselizabeth's photostream on Flickr. I actually did some organizing with my photo's and uploaded some of the pics that had been sitting on my computer for months... go me! the newer ones are the trip to the mountains and the beach I did over the weekend... :)