adventures in lab
well.. I’m going to tell you anyway.

this is ALL I was doing.. I swear.
ok no... I’ve actually been BUSY! My 2nd term started at school... and I’m taking 3 chemistry courses.. all chem electives.. as well as a laboratory course. The lab is probably the most work because there are 2 labs every week (for four hours each) and the lab reports are due one week later. So my weekends have been spent doing my labs.. and that’s basically it. I did take SOME time off to hang with friends and watch the Superbowl... (I must admit even though I hate Beyonce, she rocked the show).. and do SOME fun stuff with friends. I think life needs a balance.. so I’m trying really hard to not feel guilty about not doing hw to be social... it’s a work in progress.
So anyhow... I’ve been busy busy... but it feels SO good to be back in classes again. I really did miss it last term when I was off.
I didn’t miss studying though... lol. Which is what I’m supposed to be doing right now.. I have my first midterm in spectroscopy and I should be writing summary sheets... but instead I’m doing this. (I needed a break)
(I didn’t really need a break, but I wanted one)
OH... so you’re probably wondering about the name change of my blog. (or not, but again.. I’m going to tell you anyway)
I just haven’t been super inspired to write a lot in this blog.. mostly because I don’t have time.. and I also don’t have the energy. So I thought maybe a revamp of my blog might re-inspire me to write. So much fun stuff happens in my chem labs that I thought I’d share it with you guys...
I PROMISE it’s not going to be all about science.... cuz that would be really boring... I’m not quite sure what it’s going to be about yet.. but we’ll see.
For example.. I did a lab this week where I had to determine the Manganese concentration in an unknown sample by radioactive decay... so we irradiated the sample, and then measured it on an instrument. Sounds awesome, right? Turns out... the irradiation takes 83 minutes.. and the sample analysis takes 70 minutes! Wanna know what I did while all this was going on?
why do some cards bounce really slow with a black side??? It's one of the great mysteries of life, IMO
oh yeah.. and just before you get jealous of my awesome life... I also played
how do you ALWAYS get the high score when you play this?
you know you’re jealous now.. I can feel it. Plus I’m sure you’re all lining up in droves to handle radioactive material. Right? Totally.
So you guys.. I should get back to my homework... and I really hope you guys enjoy this new adventure!
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