dancing around the room like a fool

My summer term is FINALLY over! Now I can stop driving you all crazy with random tweets about organic chemistry and the excessive amount of negative energy I put out there before and after every midterm. I have massive self doubt, and even when I'm sure I know the material and have done a good job, I still don't believe I got a good grade. Part of it is because of my test anxiety, as I've NEVER scored well on tests before. 

This term I don't expect to get the A- that I achieved for the first term, but I'm happy as long as I pass. Which I'm almost certain that I did. (did you catch that almost, there's my self doubt)

On the heels of my great news, comes some sad news too. The bf has lost his job. Since he was the sole supporter of the family while I was in school, I don't know that I'll be able to attend full time classes this fall unless he finds a new job. Therefore, I've taken some precautionary measures. I've emailed regarding deferring for a year (or a term), contacted my old job and talked to my dad about possibly helping us out financially so we don't have to worry about paying rent. My hopes are that he finds a job and I can continue this fall with my goal of finishing school. If not, though, it's not the end of the world. I've gone back 2 times now and it's not something I'm unfamiliar with. Starting over, that is. I'm determined enough to get my degree that nothing shy of an apocalypse will stop me from walking down that stage in a cap and gown. 

If you could, my friends and readers, please send me all your well wishes. We could really use them about now.

*hugs and kisses*

(oh, and I switched to Disqus for my commenting system as it has a great platform for commenting and I love  that it's connected so you can see all the updates from other comments you make. I hope you'll love it as much as I do)


  1. hopefully this will all get sorted in time so that u can be together for organic in the fall, many hopes and wishes sent!!!!

  2. I hope so too, but I'm not counting on it... if not I'll just have you tutor me.. ;)

  3. yeah i guess and u can graduate with me =) then too as long as u dont take more than a year off! sometime next week after my final ill come pick up my ochem stuff too

  4. YES! YOU HAVE DISQUS NOW! I can comment easily without having to type anything in. SO STOKED!

    Good luck :)

  5. Thank you for using Disqus! Disqus 2012 looks beautiful on your site and I love the lime green carried over from your theme to the Disqus embed!

  6. we'll meet up when we're both off ... have coffee or something, k?

  7. thanks... I like it except that I don't have the option to approve comments before posting.

  8. thanks... I like it so far!

  9. Yeah - but you don't get spam like you do in other comment systems because disqus has it's own spam built in think like askimet, and you can block certain people so it's just fine for my needs.

  10. I've gotten some people in the past who have harassed me ... by leaving nasty comments on my blog.. that's just what I'm concerned about.

  11. Yay yay yay, you're done! Sending you lots of positive vibes!!


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