
Showing posts from 2012

Have a Merry BUZZY Christmas!

I decided this year to participate in a Bloggy Ornament Exchange with the Sarcasm Goddess .. and I just got my awesome ornament from Lady Estrogen ... my adorable ornament with a surprise inside! on our snowman Christmas tree! The surprise was a little bullet! I laughed so hard I cried a little... then popped all the bubble wrap... which is a gift in of itself! Thanks again to the @SarcasmGoddess and @ladyestrogen !! Much love and a Merry Christmas to all!

it's so right even when "Things Go Wrong For Me"

today I'm taking time out of my busy pj wearing, chocolate eating schedule to review an amazing new book "Things Go Wrong For Me" by the Midget Man of Steel .. It's a hilarious book about his childhood as a fat kid, being a parent and adventures in vasectomy land.. and if you can make vasectomies funny.. well then... you have an idea of just how gut busting this book is... which btw.. includes funny pictures! Mr. Moooooog himself even stopped by an answered some questions about his new book.. Are you ever still amazed at how you made it past childhood without dying of a horrible self-induced accident? YES. Forget about the self-inflicted stuff I wrote about. The fact that I was a child of the 70's when kids rode on their parents' LAP in the driver's seat without those pesky seatbelts while everyone smoked and survived is a testament that I was meant for something else. Probably manual labor. What did your parents think about their part in som...

I'm an asshole... and other such non news

so I'm an asshole. why you ask? because I haven't fucking blogged in ... well.. i can't even fucking remember how long. It's really not my fault though. I'm working 6 days a week... and M-F I usually work 10+ hour days. When Sunday rolls around I don't even wanna turn on my fucking computer... let alone sit for 10 minutes and write some shit down. Hopefully though.. in a week or so I'll be done work and I'll be off til January and then back in school where I'll have about the same amount of free time. BUT... I can procrastinate homework by blogging... plus as @OhNoaG and @JenReinmuth knows... Undergrads make for fucking blog fodder gold. (fuck those wanks) Anyhow.. .that's really all that's been up with me. It's my birthday in a week (literally) and I can't believe how much has happened in a year. Though it feels like I'm not really in a better place than I was last year... that could be because I stopped taking my meds...

blog fodder ftw

thanks to CrakGenius for giving me something to write about .. these days the ideas are flowing about as well as...well.. something that doesn't flow. uhh... yeah. Crak Genius gave me an award! The Liebster Award *happy dance* though .. I'm not sure that I really deserve it.. cuz I haven't written anything of value in months... if I ever did. but I'm going to accept the award as gracefully as I can (I think I already failed at that).. and play along. SO ... here are the questions I was supposed to answer: 11 Questions For Awardees Are you a grammar Nazi? (Spoiler: if you wanted to tell me that “awardees” isn’t a word… you are) yes, yes I am... as you can tell from my incredibly grammatically accurate blog post. *wink* but seriously.. I'm more of a spelling nazi and BASIC grammar nazi... like "your" vs "you're" ..or "it's" vs "its" ... mostly because it's NOT that fucking hard to read the sente...

how thongs are ruining the economy

the other day I was listening to the radio on my drive into work ... and I heard about Christina Aguilera on Chelsea Handler's show "Chelsea Lately" ...I don't really like either of them so I kind of tuned out.. until I heard this.. yes.. that's right.. Christina doesn't wear underwear. I'll give you a minute to let that sink in. Are you sufficiently disgusted yet? OK ... moving on. So I was thinking about it ... and I wondered who else likes to go commando. Are there many of them out there? Could she be the girl sitting next to you on the train? Do they really enjoy the uncomfortable seam in their skinny jeans? I started thinking about the right underwear to wear ... because there is a right and wrong here. I have very logical reasons... and this is my analysis. I can't see this image without thinking of the League of Funny Bitches Podcast.. thanks Noa Going commando... though "free" as it might be is just a yeast infection...

shit is out of control

so I'm a bad person.... a really, really bad person. I haven't blogged in... I don't even know how long. It's NOT my fault though. I'm back at work and I'm fucking EXHAUSTED. Working is serious bizness people, for reals. As well, the job I'm working at requires a lot of overtime ... it's not paid extra overtime, just regular time, but extra $$ nonetheless. Today I worked from 7:30am to 9pm.... that`s a long ass fucking day people. .. and what am I doing you ask? (or maybe you didn't but I'm going to fucking tell you anyway) I'm working at a photography studio that does school photo's.... and I'm a jack of all trades there.. I do editing, computer work, photo proofs, packaging, shipping, organizing..... it's fun seeing all the adorable kids pictures... and sometimes laughing at the weird fucking names that parents give their kids... like seriously people... do you WANT your kid to be made fun of? Was that your GOAL when you named...

the past is behind us...

and you can tell by the size of my ass. seriously.. it's going to have its own gravity field soon.... so I was looking back through some of my old pictures (thanks Travis for the excessive "likes") .. and remembering old times. Good times, bad times, old friends, lost friends. I can't even count how many different hair colours I've had .. and it's only been 5 years! What's also been different.. is my weight.. up and down and up and down.. but progressively up since I started on fb. This doesn't make me happy. I need to get off my fucking ass (no I don't pardon my french) .. and do something about it. I'm not necessarily unhappy in my weight.. but I'm not exactly happy either. Thing is... at this moment.. i have a bag of chips, a package of Aero bites and Campino yogurt gummies.. (though I'm sure the yogurt is only there to make people think it's healthier than it actually is). I can't help myself .. i love my sweets! ...

what to do, what to do....

I blogged about my good and bad news a couple weeks ago ... and now, with only a week and a half left until school starts... I really need to seriously think about what I'm going to do. As of yet, the bf has no serious job prospects ... and I have a few. I have one that I'd REALLY like to do ... which I did a couple years ago... working at a photo lab that does school photo's. It's temporary... I only work from Sept until Dec... I can wear jeans n stuff to work... AND I can work as many hours as I'd like.. which means for those three months I can make some good money. This will work out in a few ways... because not only will we be able to afford to live .... I might also be able to save up some $$ for school... which is always helpful. The downside is .. of course.. that I'll be taking a semester off school... which puts of my graduation date even further.... I feel like I've been going to school FOREVER.. and I've been putting off having a baby unti...

fuzzies and fun....

Ferret Picnic 2012 , a set on Flickr. so what did you all do this weekend? Obviously from above you can see I went to a ferret picnic!  It's the first one I've ever been to and it was SO much fun... being able to watch the ferrets run around with other ferrets and laugh at their shenanigans. It's nice as well, to be able to meet other ferret owners ... cuz I'd really like to be able to get together with other fuzzie people and get our ferrets socialized. Our oldest ferret Flower (the white with black tail) had some issues with a couple of the other ferrets there... and was a bit of a bully. We had to put her in a time out in her cage... though when we let her out the second time, she was much better. What else did we do? Laundry.... uhm.... and well... that's it. Sadly we don't have any money right now cuz of the bf being unemployed... so life is rather boring in our house right now. Hope all of you had a great weekend!

where has the time gone?

it's Friday of my first week off and I can't believe the week has gone by so fast .... I guess it doesn't help when you spend two entire days in bed watching shows on Netflix.  We did get lots of stuff done this week... groceries, house, and other such stuff. At the same time .. a lot didn't get done. There is a lot in the house that is still needing to be done... but I fully admit that I didn't do it either.  One amazing thing that did happen this week.... I got my grades back for the Ochem II case you didn't see on twitter.. I got a B- That means I ended up with an A- in Ochem I and a B- in Ochem II.... I'm VERY happy with how well I did ... my grades reflected the effort that I put into the courses. It makes me feel really good. I think in science courses.... a person has to have somewhat of a natural talent for the material ..and has to put in a decent amount of effort.... because if one of the other is lacking, you won't do...

dancing around the room like a fool

My summer term is FINALLY over! Now I can stop driving you all crazy with random tweets about organic chemistry and the excessive amount of negative energy I put out there before and after every midterm. I have massive self doubt, and even when I'm sure I know the material and have done a good job, I still don't believe I got a good grade. Part of it is because of my test anxiety, as I've NEVER scored well on tests before.  This term I don't expect to get the A- that I achieved for the first term, but I'm happy as long as I pass. Which I'm almost certain that I did. (did you catch that almost, there's my self doubt) On the heels of my great news, comes some sad news too. The bf has lost his job. Since he was the sole supporter of the family while I was in school, I don't know that I'll be able to attend full time classes this fall unless he finds a new job. Therefore, I've taken some precautionary measures. I've emailed regarding defer...

caption it!

I was going through my computer trying to organize stuff .... cuz I was THAT bored today.... and I realized I still hadn't uploaded the pics from our zoo trip... and I came across a couple photo's that are just begging to be captioned by my funny readers... and some other fun pics that could be worthy of captioning also... so bring it on, people.. and don't afraid to be crude.. you know I love a dirty whore mouth. give it your best shot... I'm broke so I can't offer prizes for the best caption, but I can offer bragging rights and possibly some kind of goofy photo imitating that caption.. that's worth it, right? and yes.. I'm willing to embarrass myself for this.. so give me your best shot.

just keep studying, just keep studying...

just keep studying, studying, studying.... (sorry... channeling Dora from Finding Nemo)... obviously I'm starting to lose my mind (if you can't tell) I blame the ochem.... seriously. I'm so fucking done. Two more weeks and I have: -a midterm -a prelab -a 2pt lab -a lab report -an assignment -a final all in TWO WEEKS! *faints* I`ve done up summary sheets for the 3 chapters that we`ve studied the past 2 weeks.... (correction: I have 3 more rxns to be done) .... but it`s up to 6 pages DOUBLE SIDED.... all of which I have to KNOW by Thursday. yeah.. so not gonna happen. fuck balls. I`m hitting a real low... because I know my grade isn`t going to be as good for this term as it was for last term (A- in case you forgot)... but so far I`m at a 70% in the lab (30% of grade), 80% on the first midterm and 50% on the second midterm (both are worth 10% each of the total grade).... I have one more midterm worth 10%, an assignment worth 5% and a final worth 30%......

a small reprive

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I can breathe again!  ..well I guess technically I could always breathe, cuz if I didn't.. I'd be all dead n stuff.. Anyhow... thanks to the amazing advice of yougotsars .... I'm feeling SO much better today... and ready to study my ladyballs off for the rest of the term so that I can kick ass on the 3rd midterm and the final.... and get a good grade in Ochem II ... then I can lay back and be a lazy bastard for the rest of the summer! I think that sounds like a plan, don't you? *happy dance* SO what have the rest of you been doing this summer? DO share.. I need to live vicariously through you cuz I've spent my summer with my nose in my textbook. Anyhow... hope whatever you're doing you're having a good time. xoxo!

headache: day 5

so I'm now on day 5 of a headache... it was a migraine over the weekend... it's not now, it's just a headache.. but it still fucking hurts! I've taken what the doctor recommended... 2 extra strength tylenol and 2 extra strength advil... hasn't really done anything. Is it too much to ask to go just ONE FUCKING DAY without pain? it's even affecting my school ... I can't study cuz I always have a headache. Thankfully I have only three and a half weeks left until this term is over. I don't even care how well I do in this course anymore.... I'm fucking done. I just wanna pass and be done with it. Cheers all!

so very much pain

how are you everyone? Did you have a good weekend? Was it fun?  good!  cuz mine wasn't. I spent the better part of my weekend in horrid pain from a migraine... to the point that I actually went to the clinic on Saturday because it was SO bad. The doctor prescribed me Immitrex (or whatever that generic brand is)... I took one and started to feel better.... 2 hours later I took another one and felt ok. Sunday I had planned to go see a matinee of Dark Knight Rises.... but at 11am (after we had bought tix online) ... I had a (worse than before) migraine again. After 24 hours I took another Immitrex ... but to no avail.... so I ended up in the hospital. Due to a family history of aneurysms and the fact that my headaches come on strong with no warning, the doc sent me for a CT and also wanted to do a lumbar puncture. The CT came back clear but he still wanted to do a lumbar puncture.  Let's think about this.. big needle in my spine? Possibility of a head...

Knowing I'm no Oprah - GUEST POST!

we have the amazing and wonderful robot mommy here today doing an amazeballs guest post. She writes a hilarious blog about her life and her kids ... personally I don't know how she does it .. I can barely manage this blog and school so without further ado... here she is! Forever ago, I started writing about my kids. This little hobby of mine gave me the outlet to complain talk about their behavior, their little habits. Their joys and triumphs. My joys and triumphs. And I think... What if.... Oprah had kids? How would Oprah handle her kids? Would she discuss them on her network or would she, like me, become a blogger? Can you imagine?!? Hi. I'm Oprah, queen of the talk shows...richest woman alive from 1995 to 2010. I've decided to center my attention to how adorable, awesome and brilliant my children are because, let's face it, they are mine! I'm sure she'd go on and on on their academic aptitude and how they look like little Denzel Washingtons. She ...

it burns, it burns!

and I just wrote a whole fucking post that my computer decided wasn't adequate and deleted on me. FUCKING BALLS! seriously. I was talking about how I splashed nitric acid on my face today in lab... (it's ok ... I'm not disfigured or anything) How I fucking HATE summer cuz it's hot and I don't manage well with heat. Also that we're having a make-up quiz on Thursday cuz our midterm was sucky. basically that was it ... but I wrote a lot more. the only good thing going on for this week is that we're having the awesomely amazing robot mommy writing a guest post for my blog this week.. *cue happy dance* if you haven't read anything by the robot mommy.. I suggest you head there right now and read everything ... she's that amazeballs. So tune in this week for her phenomenal words of wisdom. I'm going to go drown my sorrows in Netflix. seeeeeya.

Silent Sunday

012 , a photo by jselizabeth on Flickr. this is my adorable little cinna... she's not this little anymore. love my furbabies!

memories made of chocolate...

I know as children we make memories of times with our parents.. some of them are bad.. like the time  our parents spanked us .. but most of them are good. One particular memory is of my mum and I baking together... it didn't happen as much when I was a kid.. but rather as I grew older and could appreciate the need for chocolate. There was one particular recipe that my mum and I always defaulted to when we were both feeling low, and I can remember many nights sitting together waiting for our warm, gooey happiness to bake. It's called brownie pudding... for any of you who have never heard of it .. which is apparently a lot of you because whenever I've mentioned it, almost everyone gasps and immediately asks me what it is.. and why they hadn't heard of it before. Brownie Pudding is SUPER easy and takes relatively little ingredients which is why it's a good go-to when you're feeling like something warm and gooey but don't want to spend hours in the kitch...

just so tired

I'm just so tired of fighting... it feels like every step in my life has been uphill. I just found out today that they aren't promoting me to 3rd year status because two of the classes I did in my term 1, were below 60% and I need to have completed 60% of my classes with a 60% standing. If they need a 60% standing, then why don't they make the passing grade 60%? That makes sense, don't you think? My term 1 was just a hellstorm.... most of you know cuz you were right here with me.. I was dealing with my mums suicide (still) ... and all the conditions I had before (anxiety, depression) were amplified because of my her passing as well as all the new stress I was under from school and life... It caused me to be physically ill before every test I took that term... and partly due to that is why I failed Ochem (which is why I'm taking it again this summer).. and why my other two classes that term are below 60% ... according to the doctor what I have is considered a dis...

I'm not crazy... I'm born this way.

Some people might say I’m crazy.... well... crazy is as crazy does.. or something like that. I’m starting to discover.. (or possibly I’ve known this all along).. that I’m NOT crazy... I’m normal.. it’s everyone else who is batshit insane. How do I know this? Well...... first off.. there are more of “us” than there are of “them” ..(and if you need proof I made a very scientific chart to show you) if you weren’t acting a bit odd after some life-altering moments... well then.. there might be something wrong with you. If you don’t find humor in the crazy occasionally ... there might be something wrong with you. Those are just a few of the reasons.. I quite often share with others that I’m crazy... but it’s ok cuz it’s normal to be crazy. I have noticed, however, that there are far more women toting the “crazy” than men.... and I’m not sure what that’s about .. either women are driven to levels of insanity due to the crazy things that men do to us... which is a complete...

decisions, decisions

so I’m looking through my course list and categorizing all the classes I need to take for my degree.... I’ve colour coded it... put it into a table... listed the number of credits... for every term for the next two years (or more) what I completely forgot is that for a degree you need 48 of your total credits to be 300/400 level classes... which I have.. but only if I take extra classes every term OR if I take an extra year of school... now I’m conflicted.. I really just want to be done.. I’ve been in school for what seems like forever... in reality it’s only been 3 years at community college, 1 quarter at UW, and 1 year at UBC... but there was a lot of “in between” time... where I wasn’t in school (though looking back I should have been)... but I was living life and whatnot. I should have been done ages ago but because of these decisions I’ve made the past 5 years.. I’m not. It hurts my soul to think that almost every decision I’ve made over the past 5 years has been wrong. Hell...

sun is my enemy

This weekend we decided to have a family day so we decided to spend the day at the zoo. My brilliant self remembered everything, except of course, the sun screen. After more than four hours at the zoo enjoying the train, the lion feeding and the raptor show, I was sufficiently pink. Of course.. being the calm and non-dramatic person that I am.. I of course, did NOT complain the rest of the day about my horrible burn. Of course. *wink wink* So then Sunday I spent the entire day in bed watching episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and Gossip Girl on Netflix. I’ve never watched Gossip Girl before, but after watching half of the first season, I’m adequately addicted. It has a good soundtrack and lots of drama. Plus, 4 of the seasons are on Netflix so I can watch most of it during the off season…. Speaking of off season… one of my favourite shows starts its fourth season in a few days… Drop Dead Diva.. I don’t know if any of you have ever watched it but I loooooove it. The girl who pla...

the fate of the world.

I don't know about the rest of you .. but I quite often fear for the fate of the world. I watched a video from SourceFed yesterday that says a good portion of people don't know how to spell anymore because of spell check.. which doesn't surprise me at all. I can't spell a lot of words that are probably considered common. I rely on spell check to alert me to my spelling mistakes. Though I think part of that can be blamed on our typing instructors who taught us to just type essay's without worrying about spelling and to go back and check it after the fact so as to be able to type faster. I can type 80wpm but I know I make a lot of mistakes along the way.. so who is right? Should we be more concerned about our spelling or our typing speed. I mean.. wasn't spell check invented for a reason? Another thing that concerns me is the level of reading these days... do kids read like they used to? I used to read all the time as a kid? The novels they write for kids t...

jumping on the LOVE bandwagon

no I’m not going all sister wives on you ... don’t get me kidding.. if I could get away with having a hubby that wasn’t constantly pestering me for sexy time cuz he was getting it on with his “other wife” and just indulge in sexy time when and if I felt like it... that might be ok.. maybe... now I’m all confused.. why aren’t we all in these kinds of relationships? well... I’m not going to try and solve the relationship woes of the world... mostly because I’m too tired after studying for my midterm for 5 hours and then working another 2 hours on lab prep... that I’m amazed I’m able to pull together a sentence that is even remotely coherent. I’m sidetracked again.. I think. What was my topic again? OH yes. love. SO .. it seems like the hate is all over the blogosphere lately... Oh, Noa. , socialassassin , "Jen" e sais quoi , Becky .. they are all feeling the hate. Which makes me oh so very happy.. but rather than just attach my own hate to their amazing awes...

Conversations with my Vagina ..Part Two!

Dear Vagina, W.T.F. dude? Dear Jaime, what? have to be more specific.. I have lots going on down here, you know. Dear Vagina, what’s with the crazy period? Dear Jaime, Talk to the uterus... she’s all kinds of pissed off. Dear Vagina, what did I do now? Dear Jaime, I think it has to do with wasting another of the precious eggs. Dear Vagina, Isn’t that the ovaries concern? Why is the uterus getting her panties in a wad? Dear Jaime, Whatever.. all I know is that the bits down here are not happy with you. Dear Vagina, Well tell them to calm the eff down... I’ll have babies when and if I want to! ..You don’t own me uterus!! Dear Jaime, I think this means war. Dear Jaime, you know it wouldn’t hurt to spend a little time down here, right? Dear Vagina, and YOU know I have lots of shit going on right now... so just back the fuck off. Dear Jaime, lots of shit like what... which show to watch on Netflix or whether...

a moment of sanity

so I’ve finally had a break from my headache for the first time in almost a week... yesterday I couldn’t even function.. I took some migraine medication .. and it made me sleep for hours and I started to feel a little better, but then it creeped back in the evening so I took more medication. I had the weirdest dream too... for some reason there were these drink mixes that tasted super good.. and I had a bunch of them.. but then I was hanging out with TheBloggess and her book .. (which is awesome btw) was being featured at Burger King (or some fast food joint) and it even included Bloggess toys .. such as Juanita , Hamlet Von Schnitzel , Beyonce , etc... I wish this existed cuz I totally want a stuffie Hamlet Von Schnitzel... someone has to make this happen. Anyhow... weird dreams aside, I woke up totally and after some caramel macchiato goodness via my Tassimo ... I started feeling a little better. FINALLY.. so I thought I’d fulfill my tag from socialassasin and answer some questi...