just keep studying, just keep studying...

just keep studying, studying, studying.... (sorry... channeling Dora from Finding Nemo)... obviously I'm starting to lose my mind (if you can't tell)

I blame the ochem.... seriously. I'm so fucking done. Two more weeks and I have:

-a midterm
-a prelab
-a 2pt lab
-a lab report
-an assignment
-a final

all in TWO WEEKS!


I`ve done up summary sheets for the 3 chapters that we`ve studied the past 2 weeks.... (correction: I have 3 more rxns to be done) .... but it`s up to 6 pages DOUBLE SIDED.... all of which I have to KNOW by Thursday.

yeah.. so not gonna happen.

fuck balls.

I`m hitting a real low... because I know my grade isn`t going to be as good for this term as it was for last term (A- in case you forgot)... but so far I`m at a 70% in the lab (30% of grade), 80% on the first midterm and 50% on the second midterm (both are worth 10% each of the total grade).... I have one more midterm worth 10%, an assignment worth 5% and a final worth 30%...

is that too much math?

wish I had this shirt while in math classes

sidenote: I'm SO fucking glad I'm done with math for good.

It's been SO hard to study because even though I got rid of the migraine that irked me last weekend... since then I've had a headache every day.... and I've had to work on getting rid of them before I was able to do anything.. so therefore I didn't end up studying nearly as much as I wanted to last week.

*sad face*

I basically shot myself in the foot... with headaches.


apparently some people can't cross their fingers.. isn't that weird?

(I'm gonna need it)


  1. I flippin' hate math. Good luck!

  2. Weird! I can't believe some people can't cross their fingers. I had NO idea. And I thought I was S.O.L. because I can't wiggle my ears like my sister. Anyway, GOOD LUCK. Sounds like you've got it handled. *crossing fingers* for you. ;-)

    1. I'm not sure if that's true or not... but maybe... it probably is. I can wiggle my nose like whatshername from Bewitched.

      Thanks for the luck!

  3. You can do it! And then we'll have a giant party when you're done. Love that shirt!


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