fuck those fucking fuckers

So it’s midterms…  and so I’m a little agitated.. you can’t tell can you?

But seriously…. I am wicked stressed. Add to that.. the fact that I typed a whole fucking blog post in blogger and clicked something and it all went *poof*… like a fucking genie.. except less awesome cuz there was no wishing involved.

So now I have to remember what the fuck I was writing about.

I know I wrote a bunch of shit about things I was pissed off about… and considering I’m now especially pissed off…. It just makes logical sense.

Fucking blogger… aren’t you supposed to auotsave  that shit.. didn’t you used to anyway? wtf is up with that shit.. this is the 2nd time you’ve gone all nazi on me and nuked my shit without even giving me the option first… my blog post just disappears into some nether world… probably a world where kittens and puppies are slayed.
So now I’m typing this on MS Word 2010 … so there…. Take THAT blogger.

Budgers… ok.. so I know we all learned how to form lines in fucking kindergarten… how is it that most of you now have seemed for forget that knowledge? You see.. if you approach me in a line… you are supposed to continue to form the line BEHIND me.. not fucking BESIDE me.. that is not the line… and then you somehow get on the fucking bus before me and snag that ever elusive corner back seat where I can put my feet up and relax the whole ride with the breeze from the open window…. And see, see??? You’re not even using the footrest …if you’re not going to use the seat for all its wonderful, amazing aspects.. then don’t sit there…. Or better yet.. DON’T FUCKING BUDGE IN FRONT OF ME, ASSHOLE!

Personal hygiene… or rather… lack thereof. Seriously people.. how fucking hard is it to pick up a toothbrush and BRUSH YOUR FUCKING TEETH.. your fucking skanky ass fish vadge breath is making me want to wretch all over your shoes and possibly in your Versace purse.... cuz that’s how much of an asshole your nasty breath makes me… no, it’s not me.. it’s you. Also.. there’s this new invention (well, not even new) …it’s called deodorant… you put it on your armpits after a shower so as to prevent your pits from getting that nasty fucking pit smell that pits are apt to do after a day of walking, busing, classes, running, eating… and whatever the fuck else you deranged people do all day…. So seriously.. do yourself (and the rest of the world) a favor and consider your skank before you leave the house.. your Versace purse will thank you.

Ok… so I don’t remember any of the other things I was bitching about .. mostly because I was trying to move on from the bad… and the negative… cuz I’m trying this thing where I’m not bitchy and pissed off all the time… It’s not exactly working.. but I’m not willing to give up on it just yet.

So onto the good… now that I know I can type this without it disappearing into the kitty slaying oblivion.

#wineparty… my twitter bitches will know what I’m talking about… on Friday’s.. you just need some fucking wine.. and what better than wine and the internet? It’s like the two were made for each other. Funny fucking shit happens there… and if you like laughing, tweeting and sometimes just thinking #wtf is going on here… then #wineparty is for you.. so if you find yourself alone with alcohol on a Friday night… tweet it up!

Food….. if you couldn’t tell from the fact that my waist has been in double digits since my mid-20’s… (which you probably couldn’t cuz I haven’t posted a ton of pics of myself…. Or maybe cuz you haven’t known me that long) …but I fucking LOVE food…. Savory, sweet, salty, juicy, yummy, moist, crunchy, BACONY… I love food.. in all it’s wonderful tastiness…. As I type this I have a box of Vanilla Latte cookies on my side.. and a bag of plain chocolate m&m’s in front of me…. so unless you’re incredibly dense… you’ve guessed that I’m all about the sweet… although there is something to be said for mixing sweet and salty… chocolate with sea salt, YES FUCKING PLEASE!

 I just had to… that song never fails to make me laugh.

Well.. that’s about it for this Friday edition of fuzzy…. Oh.. and take a look at my new blog banner .. (look up.. yeah.. up there)
What do you think??? Comments and criticism welcome.. it’s the first banner I’ve done.. so I’d love for some suggestions on how to make it more…. Fuzzy.

Hope you all have a GREAT weekend… I’ll be studying organic chemistry…. I know.. you all wish you were me, don’t lie.


  1. Love the new banner. People who can't wait in line can go die in a fire. Ok, that was a little extreme, but my toddler has been up since 5:30 am on a SATURDAY, so I think I'm entitled to be a little pissy. Also, Husband has his PhD in organic chem, which I am under the impression makes him the craziest person ever. Good luck with the midterms!

  2. wow... his PhD... I think he might just be the craziest person ever... lol. I'm more of an inorganic metallic chemistry girl.

  3. Blogger is a persnickity little twat. Keep plowing through midterms, sister girl. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  4. Fish vadge breath...I think I just fell in love with you! Nobody says fish vadge breath! And yeah, blogger scared the shit out of last time it crashed so I switched to Wordpress. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with it too though, but I'm starting to think I'm just really needy.

  5. it's the only way to describe that nasty breath that I'm exposed to at least a couple times a week on the bus

  6. Oh yes, that is why I don't miss college. Thanks for reminding me!

    Be well, and kick the midterms where it counts.

  7. Returning the comment love. I had an anti-Blogger moment too this morning but ti was all user error. Scheduled posts don't actually post unless you hit the "Publish" button.

    Great rant, btw. Hope the weekend got better and you had some successful studying :D

  8. Heading over from FTLOB Comment Love Sunday.

    I wonder if you experienced what I have been experiencing with Blogger? Twice now I have typed out a blog only to switch from regular to HTML and back. After which at least half of my post is friggin gone. Uggh. Makes me just want to quit for the day and take it as a sign.


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