the past is behind us...
and you can tell by the size of my ass. seriously.. it's going to have its own gravity field soon.... so I was looking back through some of my old pictures (thanks Travis for the excessive "likes") .. and remembering old times. Good times, bad times, old friends, lost friends. I can't even count how many different hair colours I've had .. and it's only been 5 years! What's also been different.. is my weight.. up and down and up and down.. but progressively up since I started on fb. This doesn't make me happy. I need to get off my fucking ass (no I don't pardon my french) .. and do something about it. I'm not necessarily unhappy in my weight.. but I'm not exactly happy either. Thing is... at this moment.. i have a bag of chips, a package of Aero bites and Campino yogurt gummies.. (though I'm sure the yogurt is only there to make people think it's healthier than it actually is). I can't help myself .. i love my sweets! ...