
Showing posts from March, 2013

rotary optical rotation.... what?

this week’s labs... fucking LOVE Mr. Bean oh goodness.. what can I say. It was a bad week, and continues to be a bad week cuz I have a midterm tomorrow that I don't feel at ALL prepared for!  Tuesdays lab ... organic... last week’s lab consisted of just stirring for over an hour .. and then a liquid-liquid separation... everything seemed to go just fine. THIS week.... not so much. The first part we had to gravity filter the drying agent and then rotary-evaporate the solvent out ...which is basically is just putting your flask onto a machine that spins it in a water bath and the solvent boils off.... wanna buy one? but of course.. the one I used wasn’t on and so the bath had to warm up.. taking (what felt like) forever. Then when it finally started to boil, of course I walked away and by the time I returned it was a goey boiling mess! *slaps forehead* BUT.. it’s ok, can be salvaged... let it cool and prepare the reagents for crystallization... ethanol and petro...