blog fodder ftw
thanks to CrakGenius for giving me something to write about .. these days the ideas are flowing about as well as...well.. something that doesn't flow. uhh... yeah. Crak Genius gave me an award! The Liebster Award *happy dance* though .. I'm not sure that I really deserve it.. cuz I haven't written anything of value in months... if I ever did. but I'm going to accept the award as gracefully as I can (I think I already failed at that).. and play along. SO ... here are the questions I was supposed to answer: 11 Questions For Awardees Are you a grammar Nazi? (Spoiler: if you wanted to tell me that “awardees” isn’t a word… you are) yes, yes I am... as you can tell from my incredibly grammatically accurate blog post. *wink* but seriously.. I'm more of a spelling nazi and BASIC grammar nazi... like "your" vs "you're" ..or "it's" vs "its" ... mostly because it's NOT that fucking hard to read the sente...