
Showing posts from October, 2012

blog fodder ftw

thanks to CrakGenius for giving me something to write about .. these days the ideas are flowing about as well as...well.. something that doesn't flow. uhh... yeah. Crak Genius gave me an award! The Liebster Award *happy dance* though .. I'm not sure that I really deserve it.. cuz I haven't written anything of value in months... if I ever did. but I'm going to accept the award as gracefully as I can (I think I already failed at that).. and play along. SO ... here are the questions I was supposed to answer: 11 Questions For Awardees Are you a grammar Nazi? (Spoiler: if you wanted to tell me that “awardees” isn’t a word… you are) yes, yes I am... as you can tell from my incredibly grammatically accurate blog post. *wink* but seriously.. I'm more of a spelling nazi and BASIC grammar nazi... like "your" vs "you're" ..or "it's" vs "its" ... mostly because it's NOT that fucking hard to read the sente...

how thongs are ruining the economy

the other day I was listening to the radio on my drive into work ... and I heard about Christina Aguilera on Chelsea Handler's show "Chelsea Lately" ...I don't really like either of them so I kind of tuned out.. until I heard this.. yes.. that's right.. Christina doesn't wear underwear. I'll give you a minute to let that sink in. Are you sufficiently disgusted yet? OK ... moving on. So I was thinking about it ... and I wondered who else likes to go commando. Are there many of them out there? Could she be the girl sitting next to you on the train? Do they really enjoy the uncomfortable seam in their skinny jeans? I started thinking about the right underwear to wear ... because there is a right and wrong here. I have very logical reasons... and this is my analysis. I can't see this image without thinking of the League of Funny Bitches Podcast.. thanks Noa Going commando... though "free" as it might be is just a yeast infection...