
Showing posts from May, 2012

sun is my enemy

This weekend we decided to have a family day so we decided to spend the day at the zoo. My brilliant self remembered everything, except of course, the sun screen. After more than four hours at the zoo enjoying the train, the lion feeding and the raptor show, I was sufficiently pink. Of course.. being the calm and non-dramatic person that I am.. I of course, did NOT complain the rest of the day about my horrible burn. Of course. *wink wink* So then Sunday I spent the entire day in bed watching episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and Gossip Girl on Netflix. I’ve never watched Gossip Girl before, but after watching half of the first season, I’m adequately addicted. It has a good soundtrack and lots of drama. Plus, 4 of the seasons are on Netflix so I can watch most of it during the off season…. Speaking of off season… one of my favourite shows starts its fourth season in a few days… Drop Dead Diva.. I don’t know if any of you have ever watched it but I loooooove it. The girl who pla...

the fate of the world.

I don't know about the rest of you .. but I quite often fear for the fate of the world. I watched a video from SourceFed yesterday that says a good portion of people don't know how to spell anymore because of spell check.. which doesn't surprise me at all. I can't spell a lot of words that are probably considered common. I rely on spell check to alert me to my spelling mistakes. Though I think part of that can be blamed on our typing instructors who taught us to just type essay's without worrying about spelling and to go back and check it after the fact so as to be able to type faster. I can type 80wpm but I know I make a lot of mistakes along the way.. so who is right? Should we be more concerned about our spelling or our typing speed. I mean.. wasn't spell check invented for a reason? Another thing that concerns me is the level of reading these days... do kids read like they used to? I used to read all the time as a kid? The novels they write for kids t...

jumping on the LOVE bandwagon

no I’m not going all sister wives on you ... don’t get me kidding.. if I could get away with having a hubby that wasn’t constantly pestering me for sexy time cuz he was getting it on with his “other wife” and just indulge in sexy time when and if I felt like it... that might be ok.. maybe... now I’m all confused.. why aren’t we all in these kinds of relationships? well... I’m not going to try and solve the relationship woes of the world... mostly because I’m too tired after studying for my midterm for 5 hours and then working another 2 hours on lab prep... that I’m amazed I’m able to pull together a sentence that is even remotely coherent. I’m sidetracked again.. I think. What was my topic again? OH yes. love. SO .. it seems like the hate is all over the blogosphere lately... Oh, Noa. , socialassassin , "Jen" e sais quoi , Becky .. they are all feeling the hate. Which makes me oh so very happy.. but rather than just attach my own hate to their amazing awes...

Conversations with my Vagina ..Part Two!

Dear Vagina, W.T.F. dude? Dear Jaime, what? have to be more specific.. I have lots going on down here, you know. Dear Vagina, what’s with the crazy period? Dear Jaime, Talk to the uterus... she’s all kinds of pissed off. Dear Vagina, what did I do now? Dear Jaime, I think it has to do with wasting another of the precious eggs. Dear Vagina, Isn’t that the ovaries concern? Why is the uterus getting her panties in a wad? Dear Jaime, Whatever.. all I know is that the bits down here are not happy with you. Dear Vagina, Well tell them to calm the eff down... I’ll have babies when and if I want to! ..You don’t own me uterus!! Dear Jaime, I think this means war. Dear Jaime, you know it wouldn’t hurt to spend a little time down here, right? Dear Vagina, and YOU know I have lots of shit going on right now... so just back the fuck off. Dear Jaime, lots of shit like what... which show to watch on Netflix or whether...