things I love Fridays
I figure since I love Fridays.. I would do a blog about the things I love on Fridays. First on the list of things I love.. my boyfriend. Apart from being sexy and funny.. he's also super supportive. Even when I'm going on a tirade about something that totally doesn't make sense, he just smiles and nods and says "yes dear". Plus, added bonus.. he cooks AND cleans! Second.. are people who leave their indicator light on even when they aren't changing lanes or turning. I know what you're thinking, how in the hell do you love that.. I find that annoying as fuck. While true, it is beyond annoying not knowing whether someone is actually going to cut me off at any given moment or continue driving straight.. it's also VERY helpful in establishing the morons of the road. YES.. rather than see it as a negative.. I'm going to applaud those permanent indicators. THANK YOU.. thank you for letting me know who to avoid on the road. (pssssssst.. I meant you) ...